You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.25

Kubernetes v1.25 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date information, see the latest version.

Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - May 1 2015

Every week the Kubernetes contributing community meet virtually over Google Hangouts. We want anyone who's interested to know what's discussed in this forum.

  • Simple rolling update - Brendan

    • Rolling update = nice example of why RCs and Pods are good.

    • ...pause… (Brendan needs demo recovery tips from Kelsey)

    • Rolling update has recovery: Cancel update and restart, update continues from where it stopped.

    • New controller gets name of old controller, so appearance is pure update.

    • Can also name versions in update (won't do rename at the end).

  • Rocket demo - CoreOS folks

    • 2 major differences between rocket & docker: Rocket is daemonless & pod-centric.

    • Rocket has AppContainer format as native, but also supports docker image format.

    • Can run AppContainer and docker containers in same pod.

    • Changes are close to merged.

  • demo service accounts and secrets being added to pods - Jordan

    • Problem: It's hard to get a token to talk to the API.

    • New API object: "ServiceAccount"

    • ServiceAccount is namespaced, controller makes sure that at least 1 default service account exists in a namespace.

    • Typed secret "ServiceAccountToken", controller makes sure there is at least 1 default token.

    • DEMO

    • * Can create new service account with ServiceAccountToken. Controller will create token for it.
    • Can create a pod with service account, pods will have service account secret mounted at /var/run/secrets/…

  • Kubelet running in a container - Paul

    • Kubelet successfully ran pod w/ mounted secret.